Monday, April 12, 2010

Nicki Minaj Fires Manager....

Debbie Antney, also the mother of rapper Waka Flocka said it came to a surprise to her via a cease and desist letter stating not to contact Nicki from Nicki's attorney. Here's the report according to Singersroom News....

“I received a letter, which was (a) suspension,” Antney said in a recent interview. “The next letter that came in was a cease and desist in doing all business with Nicki Minaj from Nicki’s attorney.”

She also indicated that she harbored no ill feelings towards her former client.

“I love Nicki. I wish her the most success. It’s not about the music, she’s like one of my children,” she said. “I wish her no harm, only much success.”
Here's Waka Flocka with his mom, Debra Antney

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